Here you will find news relevant to the activities of the initiative including webinars, talks, consulting projects, publications, participation in conferences and meetings mostly relevant to resilience of critical infrastructure with emphasis on transport and energy assets and their intra/interdependencies, views on the UNs Sustainable Development Goals and use of digital and emerging technologies in infrastructure risk-based management
Jan 23
New paper on conflict-resilience for critical infrastructure peacebuilding
In our new article published in Sustainable Cities and Society we present a new framework for the resilience informed prioritisation of critical infrastructure recovery in wartorn countries. We discuss the challenges to existing resilience frameworks and the value of standoff and ground-validated data in peacebuilding. The framework is applied for the case of damaged bridges in west Kyiv in Ukraine, showing how resilience analytics and intelligence from crowdsourcing during a conflict can optimise decision-making and resources allocation.
The article “Conflict-resilience framework for critical infrastructure peacebuilding” is open access:
Authors: Dr Stergios Aristoteles Mitoulis, Dr Sotirios Argyroudis, Dr Mathaios Panteli, Dr Clemente Fuggini, Dr Sotiris Valkaniotis, Dr William Hynes, Dr Igor Linkov

More info about our work for Ukraine can be found on our research initiative: -for a resilient and sustainable Ukraine
Dec 22
ICE podcast on structural resilience
Our podcast for the Institution of Civil Engineers ICE (UK) is now live! The podcast is part of the ICE KnowledgeHub and facilitates capacitybuilding and knowledgetransfer.
Title: Structural resilience and the role of the Civil Engineer
In this podcast, Dr Sotirios Argyroudis and Dr Stergios Mitoulis, joined hosts Mark Hansford, ICE director of engineering knowledge and Alexandra Wynne, ICE knowledge content director, to discuss the civil engineer’s role in ensuring structural resilience.
If you want to hear the podcast click this link

Nov 22
invited talk in COP27
Dr Sotirios Argyroudis delivered a talk in COP27 on “science-based green transition in Ukraine as a model for post-conflict and post-disaster recovery”

Oct 22
infrastructuResilience at the top 2% of scientists
Based on a research conducted by Stanford University, Dr Stergios Mitoulis and Dr Sotirios Argyroudis are in the top 2% of scientists in their sub-field (Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators for 2021)
Oct 22
Third interview in BBC World News
Stergios Mitoulis was interviewed by BBC World News on the damage of the Crimea Bridge.

Sep 22
Workshop to Ukrainian Engineers
Design of prestressed bridges to Eurocodes – Resilient ways to build back better”
This is an initiative of in collaboration with the Ukrainian State Road Research Institute (see post in Ukrainian here:
With this seminar we aim to create a Community of Practitioners to continuously help the engineers working in Ukraine to assess, design and reconstruct damaged bridges and infrastructure assets in a resilient and sustainable way.
The seminar delivered in English and was translated into Ukrainian by Marat KHODZHAIEV, Bridge Engineer & expert on post-tensioned bridges and bridge optimization
The workshop included three parts:
Part 1: Design of post-tensioned bridges according to Eurocodes
Part 2: Resilience in bridge and transport network design, assessment and reconstruction
Part 3: Answering questions and revising design decisions at the request of seminar participants

Aug 22
New paper on bridge-specific flood risk assessment of transport networks
Our paper Bridge-specific flood risk assessment of transport networks using GIS and remotely sensed data is published in the Science of the Total Environment (IF=10.75)
Few words: The paper delivers a unique framework for the expedient assessment of flood risk to transportation networks focused on the response of the most critical and vulnerable infrastructure assets, the bridges.

Aug 22
Second interview on BBC news on climate resilience for extreme temperature
Stergios Mitoulis was interviewed by BBC World News for the impact of heatwave and extreme temperature to critical infrastructure

Jul 22
Our BBC interviews on climate resilience and sustainable infrastructure development
Our BBC interviews on climate resilience of critical infrastructure and sustainable development
BBC interviewed us today twice, one on the BBCNews and one on the BBC World News, see one of the videos here.
The climate crisis and its impact on critical infrastructure were at the epicentre of these interviews, due to the ongoing heatwave and wildfires that cause devastation in Europe. We reiterated the positions of our agenda-setting research publications and projects on climate change and what is of paramount importance in climate adaptation i.e.,:
– Building resilience does not mean abandoning efficiency, but rather maximising the long-term sustainability of socio-economic systems in the face of future disruptions. It is better to do this with ex-ante adaptation rather than post-ante reactive system recovery.
– We urgently need synergies between scientists, infrastructure operators and governments, to overcome siloed thinking which leads to cascading ramifications. This includes embracing system complexity to minimise consequences to interdependent systems from unexpected disruption.
– We need new policies that underpin climate change and design for uncertainty in view of different scenarios of climate change.
– We need more research to build adaptive capacity that incorporates deep uncertainties associated with climate change underpinned by digital technologies.
Building resilience in our critical infrastructure through emerging technology is a vital strand of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as it contributes to climate-resilient infrastructure (SDG 9) and sustainable industrialisation.
Jul 22
Workshop will be delivered to Ukrainian Engineers on bridge design
We will deliver a very special Workshop to Ukrainian Engineers on the:
“Design of prestressed bridges to Eurocodes – Resilient ways to build back better”
This is an initiative of the in collaboration with the Ukrainian State Road Research Institute (see post in Ukrainian here:
Anyone is welcome to attend this Workshop as you might be able to ask, answer questions and interact with Engineers who will reconstruct Ukraine. With this Workshop we aim to create a Community of Practitioners to continuously help the engineers working in Ukraine to assess, design and reconstruct damaged bridges and infrastructure assets in a resilient and sustainable way.
7:00 am to 1:30 pm UK time, Saturday 6 August 2022, online seminar.
Register here:
The seminar will be delivered in English and will be translated in Ukrainian by Marat KHODZHAIEV, Bridge Engineer & expert on post-tensioned bridges and bridge optimization
The workshop will include three parts:
Part 1: Design of post-tensioned bridges according to Eurocodes
Part 2: Resilience in bridge and transport network design, assessment and reconstruction
Part 2: Answering questions and revising design decisions at the request of seminar participants
You can ask the questions you are most interested in on the topic of post-tensioned bridges and also send a drawing for revision. We are currently preparing the material for the seminar in order to best adapt it to the needs of Ukrainian engineers. Therefore, we will be very grateful if you ask questions, please message Marat Khodzhaiev.
We look forward to seeing you on August 6.